Here's a brick. Or a plank. Or shingle. Whatever this is made of.
Joined on 11/11/20
Here's a brick. Or a plank. Or shingle. Whatever this is made of.
El ?
i downloaded the original olskoo game
it slaps
@olskoo literally it slaps. adding it to my archives in a minute.
hello. or something
everyone was so excited for os2/warp because IBM said it would run your windows games right out of the box, and it mostly did, but there was no sound lol
what a strange response, os2 has not been relevant in decades.
my Compaq Windows 95 machine never worked with speakers. It was originally a DOS machine. 1 GB HD lol. Ran games on floppy disks. You know that light that would turn on and off with hard drive activity, and make some buffering sound. Someone thought it would be a good idea to supply it with a cacophonous soundchip, literally bred from the fires of Hell. Imagine screeching dial-up sounds, and someone how it was able to play .wav files. I'll just keep it simple with my QBASIC PLAY and SOUND commands.
I thought you left ng, I'm glad ur back
haven't seen you in awile welcome back
@olskoo thanks bro, took a break for high school
This article made me a lot smarter about transgender now:
happy pride mmgg
Java is the South America of programming languages
erlang is the pluto of programming languages
do you use erlang often?
a dialect of LISP, called GOAL, was used to program Jak And Daxter. I wonder how much of the game was written using functional programming. I feel those that choose to use functional style over imperative are indeed from another planet
I've heard of lisp but not goal
erlang was used at the telco I worked for but I didn't need to work with it on my projects (lucky for me, since I don't like it)
everyone sign up
if i sign can into space?
now give space
haha poland cannot into space
*slap* no
polska CAN into space!
stop or i will make you give water to the scary horse
hey poland look
it sorta just fell here..
privet ukraine what happen
the moon fell on earth and poland is happy
it's beautiful
who will be your first ban
funny thing i did old bbs lookups of your name and found an “olskoo” user from 2000 that changed their name to traekwon. do you have any association with “traekwon” or is it a coincedence
whats good hoss
just goofing around you
hey olskoo i'm working on my very first actual flash game, and was wondering if you wanted a peek at it
that'd be cool
@olskoo cool, added you to the project
i have some additions in the FLA i didn't upload yet so be sure to check back every couple days if you like what you see
by the way the naming convention is heavily inspired by your olskoo game, that's actually how i got the game's name
god isn't real
oh yeah explain the platypus