Can we play Roblox later this day?
Joined on 11/11/20
Can we play Roblox later this day?
@olskoo-the-first Tell me your online on discord if you're ready.
peepee poopoo
cleanup on aisle 10
@MasterMedicGG Rip and tear until it’s done
boomer out here literally using Excel macros for API testing lmfao
Test comment pls ignore
I'm posting this on my news post later:
that was shocking
oh cool juicebox sprite emojis
i'll use 'em in my next flash plz vote 5
anymany made em pls vote 10 stars
are you a baseball fan?
I remember Game 7 of the 2001 MLB finals
I remember crying when Curt Schilling gave up a home run in the top of the ninth, Dbacks down by 1
then an inning later, I remember me and my dad running around the house cheering, waking up my mom after Luis Gonzalez hit the series winning single
good times
I think Curt Schilling runs Breitbart or some other alt-right website now LOL
Yes I am
*insert bad to the bone riff*
Is it peanut butter jelly time?
is it really free if you have to do something though
@olskoo-the-first Wow, I was trying to grind 3000 points to redeem for 200 robux, then I tried to redeem my Robux using my google email account, but when it requires my phone number, I gave up. I didn't know you have to use a phone number, because KreekCraft didn't need one.
that sucks. Maybe they added the phone verification part after he made the vid
@olskoo-the-first I also tried some burner fake phone number apps that I found on a website, but it created a problem with redeeming points for Robux.
you deleted my latest comments ;_;
sorry I didn't think of that
Comment whenever.